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Political Profile of Gapan City

Income Class                                                  : CY 2016 as a 4th Class City

Land Area                                             : 18,568 hectares

Annual Income                                      : P408, 098,372.00

No. of Schools                                      : 2 College School
                                                                                                              : 5 Computer Schools
                                                                                                              : 1 Vocational School
                                                                                                              : 4 High Schools (Private)
                                                                                                              : 8 High Schools (Public)
                                                                                                              : 9 Elementary Schools (Private)
                                                                                                              : 33 Elementary Schools(Public)
                                                                                                              : 9 Private Nurseries
                                                                                                              : 19 Daycare Centers

Total No. of Population                          : 101,488 as of 2010 NSO Census

Projected Population for 2016               : 109,660 @ Growth rate of 1.299%

Total No. of Household                          : 25,486 Household

Major source of Income                         : Farming, slipper making,fishpond, poultry, piggery Commercial establishments

Political Subdivision                               : 23 Barangays

No. of Banks                                           : 16 Banks

For more information!

Call : 044-486-0513/044-486-5544/
Email us: cityofgapan@gmail.com
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