2.1 Population
The total population of the City as of year 2010 census conducted by NSO was recorded at 101,488 and the projected population for CY 2016 was 109,660 wherein San Nicolas is the most thickly populated barangay. The average population density is 591 persons per square kilometer.
As in population distribution by sex, male population accounted for 50.53% or 55,416 persons, while female population accounted for 49.47% or 54,244 persons.
Population location, the City has 37,854 persons or 34.52% dwelling in urban areas, while 71,806 persons still living in rural areas.
As in population distribution by age, the City has a total population of 40,459 or 36.89 % fourteen years old and below, while fifteen years and above constitute 69,201 persons or 63.11%.
The City’s average growth rate is about 1.2991 %.
        2.2 Religion
Roman Catholic is the dominating religion in the City in terms of members, which constitutes to about 50% of the entire population. Other religions are Iglesia Ni Cristo, Methodist, Born Again, Baptist, Rizalista, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventist, Church of Christ of Latter Day Saints.
        2.3 Language and Dialects
Ninety-eight percent (98%) of the total population speaks and understand Tagalog while the remaining 2% is composed of various dialects such as Ilocano, Kapampangan, Bicolano and Cebuano.
        2.4 Household
For CY 2016 Gapan has a projected total household of 25,486. Having an average family size of 5 person per household.
        2.5 Labor force
Agriculture contributed the highest in the City employment rate, followed by the trade sector, the services sector ranked third and manufacturing and agri-business shared in the fourth place.